The imperial wizard of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, who was recently found dead near a river in Missouri, apparently smelled like cat piss and stunk to high heaven during his life.
According to the River Front Times, the scent permeated from Frank Ancona’s clothes, clinging to him like a blanket, even on his hair and mustache. The news article notes that he was aware of his stench but did not know what to do about it.
Much of his odor seemed to be the result of his wife Malissa Ancona’s determination to see their home turned into a giant kennel. The 44-year-old kept dozens of cats and two dogs within her space, which was, by all reports, a pigsty (though that might be an insult to pigsties). A neighbor told the Times that as many as 70 cats lived there at one time. The animals made homes out of piles of dirty clothes, went through open garbage and kicked liter across the floors.
“My dad said sometimes he had to sleep on the couch because the bedroom was so trashed,” Frank Ancona’s son from a previous marriage, Frank Ancona Jr., told the Times.
The couple apparently argued all the time, with one neighbor, James Russell, saying that she could hear Malissa Ancona screaming at the white supremacist night and day.
It is Malissa Ancona who is accused of killing her husband. And by all accounts, she was not a great person to be around. She had a history of relying on pills, she allegedly stole from him, and of course, there was the house that was unfit for any animal, human or not, to live in.
About six months ago, the senior Frank Ancona reportedly called his wife’s ex-husband, Paul Jinkerson Sr., and asked if he would take her back.
“I was like, ‘You’re out of your mind,’” Jinkerson told the Times. “I guess he thought for a brief, fleeting moment that I would alleviate his pain and take her off his hands.”
Frank Ancona then tried Malissa’s grown children, pleading with them to take their mother.
“Is there anybody in your family that will let your mother [move] with them,” he asked, according to the report. “I cannot take her being around me another minute; her life, her drug-dealing, her stealing. ... I can’t take anymore of it and she needs a place to go ASAP.”
Frank Ancona told Malissa’s daughter, 25-year-old Lauren Jinkerson, that he suspected that she was slipping the blood pressure medicine Clonidine into his coffee to knock him out so she could steal his medication, the Times reports.
“Really what she did could be considered attempted murder i think,” he texted to his stepdaughter, according to the report. “I can barely move or think straight right now.....very weak dizzy and blurred vision.
“It’s like I’m a prisoner in my own home,” he added, explaining that he was hesitant to throw Malissa out, fearing that she would hurt herself or call the cops and frame him for abuse.
“She’s a huge drug addict, and you need to get rid of her or else she’ll drug you one day and she’ll kill you instead,” Lauren warned her stepfather.
Lauren Jinkerson’s predictions may have turned out to be true.
On Feb. 13, both Malissa Ancona and her son, Paul Jinkerson Jr., were charged with first-degree murder, armed criminal action, tampering with evidence and abandonment of a corpse in Frank Ancona’s death.
Frank Ancona had been shot with a 9 mm handgun, and then again with a shotgun.
Malissa Ancona told detectives that she and her son killed Frank during the early-morning hours of Feb. 9, with her son being the one to pull the trigger, authorities said.
“Ms. Ancona admitted to me in an audio video recorded interview that her biological son Paul Edward Jinkerson Jr., shot and killed Frank Ancona while he was asleep in the master bedroom of the residence,” St. Francois County Sheriff’s Detective Matt Wampler wrote in a probable cause statement. “Ms. Ancona admitted that she failed to report the crime and additionally attempted to destroy blood evidence and altered the crime scene in an attempt to conceal the offense and was acting in concert with her son Paul Jinkerson Jr.”
Both suspects entered not guilty pleas last month during their initial court appearance.
However, Paul Jinkerson Jr.’s father and siblings apparently believe that he could have been framed by his mother. They described the 24-year-old as one of the few who had not completely cut ties with the matriarch, adding that he was a computer science student before he got caught up in meth and pills.
“He was a geek,” Paul Jinkerson Sr. told the Times regarding his son, who he said has probably never fired a gun in his life or even been in a fistfight. “He wasn’t somebody who would go out and do this.”
In fact, the family believes that the young man was drugged.
Paul Jinkerson Sr. told the news site that two weeks before Ancona was killed, his son mentioned that Malissa wanted to kill Frank and that “she wanted him [the son] to help her clean it up.”
The elder Jinkerson understandably lost his cool, and the pair drove over to the Anconas’ home so that Jinkerson Jr. could pick up his laptop that he had left over there. Jinkerson Sr. told his son that he was not going to be talking to his mother anymore.
However, Malissa Ancona was at home, and the situation quickly turned sour and deteriorated.
“In retrospect, I should have done so much more,” he said. “I should have called Frank. I should have told Malissa we knew.”
Read more at the River Front Times.