KKK Starts Targeting High Schools, Goes Recruiting in Parking Lot Outside NC School Football Game

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The Ku Klux Klan targeted a high school football game this weekend in North Carolina, putting recruitment flyers on vehicles at the Friday-night game at Gray’s Creek High School.

According to the Fayetteville Observer, a leader of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan confirmed that someone from the hate group put flyers on the vehicles last weekend.

A parent in the school district was upset after he found a flyer with a plastic bag after the game. The flyers referenced the removal of Confederate flags and monuments, calling the issue an attack on the white race and America.


By Monday, Gray’s Creek High School’s principal had called the distribution of the flyers a violation of school policy.


“We are aware of the unapproved distribution of material on the campus of Gray’s Creek High School Friday night (10/6) during the football game which is currently being investigated,” Principal Lisa Stewart said in a statement.


The policy the school is citing forbids the distribution of material that contains “personal attacks or abusive language such as language defaming a person’s character, race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, family status, or disability.”


According to the Charlotte Observer, some commenters on social media questioned why the school district did not have better security for the parking lot. Others pointed out that the same notes were the ones that were delivered just last week to nearby homes.

Read more at the Fayetteville Observer and the Charlotte Observer.