KKK Flyers Distributed Across Green Township, Ohio

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Looks like in spite of everything that’s happened in Charlottesville, Va., the Ku Klux Klan is still out here attempting to indoctrinate people to its cause.

According to Fox19, packages containing KKK flyers were dropped off on the doorsteps of several homes in Green Township, Ohio, outside Cincinnati. The flyers were hidden in old Employment Guides that were wrapped in faded, orange plastic wrappers.

However, either this was a stupid prank or every single member of the KKK is as dumb as a bag of rocks, since the distribution method wasn’t really eye-catching, and most people would have probably ignored the flyers as junk mail until the news station asked them about it.


“I’m just amazed and shocked that would be in something that’s on the end of a driveway,” Tracy Noel told the news station. “I just can’t believe that. Honestly, a lot of times, I just throw those things away, just because usually they’re kind of garbage anyway, so I don’t know that I would have looked at it.


“I’m very shocked. I can’t believe they would allow something like that in a flyer. It’s ridiculous and very disturbing,” she added.


The message from the KKK inside was the usual “Racial purity is America’s security” crap.

Authorities said they got several calls from people upset by the flyers, but added that they were not investigating the matter as a hate crime because what was in the message was protected under the First Amendment.


Read more at Fox19.