Kimye Name Their Baby North, Bad Jokes Ensue

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(The Root) — Within minutes of the confirmed news hitting the Internet, Baby Kimye's real name (according to unnamed sources) was a national trending topic on Twitter. The name: North.

North West.

E! News confirmed the name with a source close to the family, and TMZ has reportedly seen the birth certificate. E! also says that the baby's nickname is Nori.

If you'd like to be the first to make the snippy quip, "Did she have a baby or a compass?" I regret to inform you that you're about 2 million tweets too late, since virtually everyone on Twitter is tweeting that very thing right this minute. It's a bit of a lazy joke, seeing as how the whole directional thing was likely intentional, but that didn't stop folks from feeling original.


If you're in search of a drinking game to kick the weekend off right, take a shot every time this one-liner crosses your timeline. It just may keep you drunk until Sunday.


North West? Did Kim give birth to a baby or a compass?

— Kyle (@_BDK1) June 21, 2013


North West? Did kim birth to a baby or a compass?

— Brandon (@lovethyneighbur) June 21, 2013

Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.