Killers Jailed for Murdering Burundi Albinos, Selling Body Parts

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From Al Jazeera:

Five men have been jailed in Burundi for murdering African albinos and selling their body parts to witch doctors.

The leader of the gang was jailed for life at a court in Burundi's eastern Ruyigi province on Thursday after being found guilty of planning and carrying out the killings.


Four others were sentenced to between seven and 15 years in prison for attempted murder and kidnappping.


"There is one who was found guilty of planning and executing the crime, the three others attempted to kill and kidnap a woman and a child," Dodolin Nahamasabo, the head of the court, told the Reuters news agency.


"Another one was condemned for mutilation and participation in the association of criminals … We decided to release three of them because we didn't find enough evidence," Nahamasabo said."

Read the rest of the articles here.

The Buzz does not want any luck Burundi witch doctors are sellling. It's not a xenophobic thing; we're just not into it.