Kevin Hart Says the ‘Kevin Hart Effect’ Got the Shuttle-Bus Driver Reinstated

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Last week Genesha Bradley, a shuttle-bus driver for National Car Rental, thought her life was ruined after she took a selfie with Kevin Hart while she was on the clock at Los Angeles International Airport. Once her selfie and TMZ video went viral, National Car Rental indefinitely suspended Bradley. In an interview with TMZ, Bradley said she realized she made a mistake, and if she could do it all over again, she would never have taken the photo.

When Hart heard about Bradley being suspended, he recorded a plea to the car-rental company, asking that Bradley’s job be reinstated.

As luck would have it, National Car Rental did indeed reinstate Bradley’s job, and Hart said it was because of the “Kevin Hart effect.”

“She did get her job back; it’s called the Kevin Hart effect. Twenty seconds of video of you showing compassion can get anything done,” Hart said in an interview with TMZ.


Hart may be a small guy, but he definitely has a big heart. Thankfully, National Car Rental listened to his plea, along with those of many others on social media. I’m quite sure Bradley will think twice the next time she tries to snap a photo with a celebrity.