Kevin Hart Asks National Car Rental to Reinstate Shuttle-Bus Driver

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Kevin Hart is a stand-up dude. This week, National Car Rental shuttle-bus driver Genesha Bradley was suspended from her job after a video posted on TMZ went viral. Bradley was on the clock at Los Angeles International when she spotted Hart. Bradley pulled over her bus, which was carrying one family, and took a selfie with the actor. Bradley wasn’t alone; the family members also took a photo with Hart.

Unfortunately, National Car Rental suspended Bradley indefinitely without pay. Bradley told TMZ that the selfie has now ruined her life. Late Thursday night, Hart got wind of Bradley’s suspension and made a plea to the car-rental company for it to give Bradley her job back:

Way to go, Hart! National Car Rental has yet to address Bradley’s suspension or respond to Hart’s request. But it seems as if social media is rallying behind her: