Kenya Moore Pulls Gun on Trespassers at House

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Kenya Moore is not playing games when it comes to exercising her right to bear arms. And a couple of trespassers learned that firsthand.

Two men and a woman thought they'd take their chances and come onto Moore's Atlanta property. The Real Housewives of Atlanta star didn't hesitate to take to social media to put the unidentified people on blast, and even offered a reward of $1,000 for their names:

“They climbed the fence when they couldn’t get through my security gates. They got what they came for; I stay sitting on ready. If any crazy [motherf—kers] want to F with me u deserve what’s behind these doors.”


Moore posted security-camera footage of the incident and also showed how she brandished her gun.


“It’s never OK to violate anyone this way,” Moore said. “It is not funny. Men showing up at your door is an immediate threat. Things could have ended badly and all three will be criminally prosecuted.


“Anyone who is bold enough to commit a crime, endanger themselves and others, needs to be punished,” she continued.


Well, people have been warned. Moore is armed and ready to go toe-to-toe with trespassers.