Kanye West Was Right. Also, Rick Santorum Is an Idiot

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Rick Santorum is an idiot. The former senator from Pennsylvania and potential GOP presidential nominee is making Kanye West, who we’ve all thought has lost several sets of marbles throughout his life, look like a high prophet.

Back in 2015, Kanye West received the VMA Vanguard Award from MTV and went on an 11-minute speech where he said, several times, “Listen to the kids, bro!” He meant it. The entire speech was about creativity and, in typical Kanye fashion, he went off the rails and jumped back on multiple times.

The kids.


Right now, the kids are the ones making all of the sense. After witnessing tragedies all over and after what happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., the kids took over. Legions of youngsters took over Washington, D.C., and other cities across the nation in the March for Our Lives and ensured that voices who often don’t get the microphone were amplified.


The kids, the future, were out in full force asking for change. They’re asking for change from lawmakers and adults—largely a change in mindset. Nobody is asking anybody to get rid of America’s guns. They are asking for some resolutions that minimize the likelihood of further incidents of school shootings and help in ensuring that those who shouldn’t have guns don’t get them. They’re asking for adults to be adults and to look after the kids.


Listen to the kids, bro.

It’s a damn shame that we as adults often prove ourselves so set in our belief of knowing what’s right that we overcorrect to the point of public stupidity. Just ask Uncle Rick over here, who had THIS to say in response to the historic March for Our Lives. From CNN:

“How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that,” Santorum said on CNN’s State of the Union.

“They took action to ask someone to pass a law,” Santorum said. “They didn’t take action to say, ‘How do I, as an individual, deal with this problem? How am I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community? What am I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter?’... Those are the kind of things where you can take it internally, and say, ‘Here’s how I’m going to deal with this. Here’s how I’m going to help the situation,’ instead of going and protesting and saying, ‘Oh, someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.’”


Never mind that nearly everybody who voted his imbecilic ass into office was doing EXACTLY that: taking action to ASK SOMEONE TO PASS A LAW. As a lawmaker, that was literally his job. What kind of terrible human being takes aim at kids who are asking for their safety in school to be a priority?

I hope he runs for office again JUST so this can come up and he gets washed in polls. If it weren’t such a waste of prayer, I’d add it to my nightly list. What kind of monster basically insinuates, “Look, kids are going to get shot up. This is just a fact—we need to make sure kids can administer help, not try to stop the guns in the first place.”


This is exactly what’s wrong with the entire debate in a nutshell. The people who are staunchly pro-gun accept and damn near want these circumstances to exist to justify their need for more guns. I don’t know how increasing the number of guns DECREASES the likelihood of death. I mathed pretty good in high school and college, and that doesn’t add up. And CPR doesn’t stop the problem before it starts.

Why are these fools so hell-bent on accepting these forms of death? That’s the real question. I don’t love guns, but I’m also not opposed to their very existence. But there’s no need for military-grade assault weaponry to go with your flip-flops, either.


Why is it that folks are ready to arm themselves entirely against a threat that is largely never coming their way? Who is the threat we’re armed to the teeth against, anyway? Guns for home protection? I get it. I get it as a right. But no right is immune from commonsense rules of application. And I don’t get why kids realize this and adults just don’t think that’s the case. Why is arming everybody the solution to nobody getting shot?

I remember when Kanye made that VMAs speech—I thought it was the point where Kanye had Kanye’d too far. But it was also where he seemed like a man with thoughts and a stage to share them, and out of the word salad he threw up, there were some very lucid ideas. Listen to the kids, bro. He knows.


Listen to the kids, bro.