I’d like to say that I’m surprised, but I’m not. Ya’ll remember Kanye West’s interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson? During the interview, he expressed that he thought it was “funny” to wear a “WHITE LIVES MATTER” shirt during Paris Fashion Week, among other things.
But, in edited-out portions from the interview obtained by Vice’s Motherboard, they show Kanye making multiple anti-Semitic statements, talking about “fake children,” Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and how he’s vaccinated against COVID-19.
Over the weekend, the Chicago rapper landed himself in social media timeout for anti-Semitic comments he made on Instagram and Twitter, but the footage not used in his interview with Fox News may be more disturbing than anything he posted on social media.
In a conversation Carlson and Ye were having about COVID-19, Carlson can be heard asking what Kanye’s thoughts are on the vaccine and being stuck inside during the start of the pandemic. Ye’s simple response was, “I was vaccinated.” Some may wonder why such a simple answer was edited out of the interview, but Carlson has been one of the loudest media voices against the coronavirus vaccine and has continued to spew vaccine misinformation for the past two years.
Another clip shows Kanye accusing Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, of creating the nonprofit organization with the KKK to control the Jewish population. In the clip, Ye says, “When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Black really are. His is who our people are. The blood of Christ. This, as a Christian, is my belief.”
This continues Kanye’s previous claims that Black people are the “true” Jewish race. In a tweet that got Ye suspended, he wrote, “The funny thing is I actually can’t be ANTI Semitic because Black people are actually Jew also You Guys have toyed with me and tried to Black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda.”
The claims that Sanger was a eugenicist and a racist are not unique to Kanye. Planned Parenthood made a statement last year confirming those claims and denounced Sanger’s racist and ableist ideologies.
But, the Chicago rapper’s statements on Jewish people did not end there. In one clip, Kanye says, “Think about us judging each other on how white we could talk would be like, you know, a Jewish person judging another Jewish person on how good they danced or something.”
Ye then paused for a moment and then said, “I mean, that’s probably like a bad example and people are going to get mad at that shit.” Later he said, “I probably want to edit that out.”
No shit Kanye.
Clearly, Kanye is really caught up in this anti-Semitic stance that Jewish people just run the world, which is not unique to him. But I doubt that it is a hill that he is willing to die on. Your anti-Semitic comments already got you suspended from social media, do you want it to get you suspended from other things that could hurt you in the real world?
Maybe he doesn’t even care, but what I do know is that if he keeps spewing hateful speech toward Jewish people, Black people and women, he’s going to alienate anyone that has ever supported him, to the point where there will be nobody left to defend him. Is that what you want Kanye?