Kanye West is back and active on social media, meaning that the lengthy rants about everyone and everything he hates are back.
On Tuesday, in a drawn-out Instagram post that has since been deleted, the Chicago rapper began by calling out his former business partner Adidas.
“When you google Yeezy.com the adidas site comes before the Yeezy site Members at adidas Stop doing this Stop doing your moves to hold me back Our partnership is done You’re a 60 billion dollar company that froze my accounts Now I’m back on my feet (no pun intended) and I’m not going to stand for this (no pun again),” he wrote.
“I did phenomenal work for you guys and because I stood up for myself yall tried to intimidate and oppress me everyone remembers I had major issues with adidas because of design theft and oppression before ‘the tweet.’”
The “Vultures” rapper is likely referring to his series of anti-Semitic rants on social media, specifically the one where he said he planned to go “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” This resulted in the dissolution of his partnership with Adidas and GAP, which caused him to lose billions of dollars.
He then took some shots at Fear of God designer Jerry Lorenzo, who now has a partnership with Adidas.
In his post, Ye wrote, “yall know Jerry was corny and disloyal for doing work with adidas after the way they handled things I still showed up to his show that was a copy of my Hollywood bowl show being the so called bigger man but I’m never doing that again for no one.”
He added, “It’s Yeezy over everything Everyone that ever took a picture next to me that had their own clothing lines and agendas everyone knows they was acting like they were my friends to promote they weak ass fake Yeezy lines They never wanted to truly work for the king They wanted to use the king Get paid more than they would get paid anywhere else be yes man and be happy for any time I didn’t accomplish what “we” were working towards Now they banished.”
It seems that Ye may be sentimental about his time with Adidas even though he’s speaking so negatively about the company and its collaborators. In October 2024, the German apparel company reached an out-of-court settlement with West, according to Reuters.
On a conference call, Adidas CEO Bjorn Gulden said, “There isn’t any more open issues, and there is no... money going either way, and we both move on.”