The Wichita Eagle is reporting that Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has signed a bill enacting health and safety regulations specifically for abortion clinics.
The governor's office confirmed that he signed the measure Monday. Its provisions will take effect July 1. Supporters say the new regulations will protect women who seek abortions. Critics note that abortion opponents pushed the bill and believe the goal is to shut down clinics by forcing them to consider expensive renovations. Kansas has three abortion clinics.
The new requirements will include annual, unannounced state inspections. The measure gives inspectors the power to fine clinics and go to court to shut them down until they meet those requirements.
We're all for requirements and inspections for medical facilities, but why just abortion clinics? Shouldn't all medical facilities be subject to the same guidelines and regulations? Ray Charles could see from the grave what Brownback is trying to do: Shut down all three abortion clinics by holding them to a standard that can't reasonably be met financially.
We've said it before, we'll say it again: Just be up front about it. The only thing worse than the slick tactics and underhanded strategies the Republicans are using to diminish abortion rights are the legislators standing idly by and allowing it to happen.
Read more at the Wichita Eagle.
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