Kadaffi Fails in Second Attempt to Chair African Union

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Libyan leader Moammar el Kaddafi wasn't exactly a lion for African unity in his time as African Union chair and his colleagues let him know as much when they told him to go take a hike after attempting to chair a second term. From All Africa

He flounced out of the AU summit in Addis Ababa on 1 February after failing to cajole his fellow leaders into giving him a second, unconstitutional term as Chairman. Offers of oil largesse to his usual supporters and then attempts to split the votes of a rival candidate all ran into the ground.

Libyan diplomats candidly admitted that the AU was no nearer to his promised union government than it was when Gadaffi took over a year ago.


Gadaffi suffered a double blow in Addis Ababa. As well as foiling his bid for another term, the summit passed sweeping new rules that allow the AU to impose sanctions on regimes that seek to extend their rule through unconstitutional means. As the beneficiary of a military coup himself (against Libya's King Idriss in September 1969), Gadaffi's instincts were to indulge military usurpers such as the Guinean and Mauritanian putschists and even the Malagasy disc jockey Andry Rajoelina, who harried Marc Ravalomanana from power in Antananarivo in March (AC Vol 50 No 20).

Read more at All Africa

Regime sanctions? Somewhere, Omar al Bashir is mildly concerned. Hopefully.
