For as many good things as we saw come out of the National School Walkout on Wednesday, we should have known that someone would do something to put a dark mark on the day. That someone was a custodian at Richland Northeast High School in South Carolina.
According to CNN, while students were out of their classrooms being activists and productive members of society, 32-year-old Aisha Evans was going through their backpacks and taking money.
Evans reportedly went into a classroom while the students were outside, rummaged through three backpacks and stole a total of $180.
The Richland County Sheriff’s Department issued a statement saying that Evans had been charged with three counts of petty larceny.
She has since been fired by Service Solutions, the agency that provides custodial services to the school.
According to a statement from the school district, Evans is also forbidden from entering any property of Richland School District Two.
How trifling do you have to be to steal money from kids who are outside protesting gun violence?
How trifling do you have to be to steal money from kids, period?
Pretty damn trifling, I tell you.
I’m glad she got caught. It’s unfortunate that she lost her job and has ruined her future over taking $180 from some kids. I hope she has learned her lesson.