Juror B29: Zimmerman 'Got Away With Murder'

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(The Root) — Another juror from the George Zimmerman murder trial has decided to speak out, and what she had to say really rubbed Twitter the wrong way.

Juror B29, identified only as "Maddy," spoke with Robin Roberts on ABC's Good Morning America on Thursday. The only minority member of the jury — ABC News identifies her as Puerto Rican — she's the second juror to speak out about the trial and the jury's decision. The first was Juror B37, who ticked off Twitter so badly that it crushed her dreams of publishing a book on the case.

During the interview, "Maddy," who allowed her face to be seen, said that "George Zimmerman got away with murder," as if she had nothing to do with facilitating the decision. "I was the juror that was going to give them the hung jury," she said. "I fought to the end."


But the fact that there was no hung jury sort of has folks on Twitter scratching their heads. I'm not sure what kind of cookie Juror B29 was looking for with this interview, but she sure isn’t finding it online.


FWIW. If I truly believed a defendant was guilty and I was the lone juror, I would accept my duty to hang that jury.

— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) July 25, 2013

This article says that juror is Puerto Rican. Joseline gotta go use her muscles to hulk smash her cousin real quick. I'm fed up.

— Jane Goodnawl (@CorporateBarbie) July 25, 2013


Read more at ABC News.

Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.