Judge of Characters: Thanksgiving While Black

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There's Nothing Like Black Thanksgiving

While we are all fully aware of the foundation of lies that Thanksgiving was built on, we’ve managed to turn the holiday into a celebrated time with food and family.

[Whispers.] But we’ll never forget.

First of all, there are generations of beautiful blackness all in one house, whether it’s Grandma’s house or, in my case, Momma’s house (because she’s the best cook in the family, so everyone gathers there). And then there are those glorious plates of food. Yes, we often overdo it, but how are you going to have turkey, ham, fried chicken, mac and cheese (the true star, to be honest), stuffing, yams, cornbread, collard greens, pecan pie, sweet potato pie and chocolate cake as offerings and not put a portion of it all on your plate? Enter: the itis.


Oh black Thanksgiving ... we love you. From #ThanksgivingClapback to #ThanksgivingWithBlackFamilies, here’s why celebrating Thanksgiving while black is everything!