Judge of Characters: Stand Your Ground Only Works for White People

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Stand Your Ground Is Racist | Judge of Characters

Florida’s Stand Your Ground law faced heavy scrutiny back in 2012 when George Zimmerman, a white-passing neighborhood watchman saw Trayvon Martin walking down the street minding his own business. Zimmerman deemed Trayvon scary and a “punk” and followed him. Their confrontation left Trayvon dead and his killer a free man.

Stand Your Ground, which allows people to use deadly force when in fear for their lives, is in the news once again. In Clearwater, Fla., law enforcement officials said Michael Drejka was justified in shooting and killing Markeis McGlockton, a black man who approached Drejka and shoved him because Drejka was confronting McGlockton’s girlfriend about being parked in a handicap parking space.


Drejka wasn’t arrested, charged or even sternly talked to for killing a man, even though the store-owner said Drejka’s known for picking fights with customers who park in the handicap spot without the proper permit.


With this latest case, you’d think that the Stand Your Ground defense works. And it does, but only on those without melanin.


Watch the above video to see how the Stand Your Ground law fails black people and protects the white people who shoot them.