You know what doesn’t get enough love and attention right now? Black joy. So what are we going to do about it? Well, at The Root Institute, we decided to have a whole conversation around Black joy, especially as it relates to the current times we’re in. Panama Jackson—it me—was joined by choreographers Chloe and Maud Arnold; writer, director and musician, Phil Augusta Jackson; and award-winning writer and humorist, Michael Harriot, for a fun and fancy free conversation about Black joy that included phrases like hateration and holleration, several nods to African America, a Tupac t-shirt, Insecure references, and literal example of “it be your own folks.” If that isn’t Black joy, I don’t know what is. Additionally, we did also talk about how to spread Black joy, joy as part of the recipe for the work of our panelists as well as how to personally ensure that nobody steals your joy! Check out the panel, and en-joy! Join the discussion! The Root is hosting its first-ever, virtual Root Institute, presented by Target, featuring several of the leading minds in our community talking about politics, culture, health, community building and social impact. Subscribe for updates today!