Joseline and Her ‘Steebie Jay’ Are Getting Their Own Spin-Off Show on VH1

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The breakout stars from VH1's Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta—music producer Stevie J and his ex-stripper boo Joseline Hernandez—are moving on up the reality-show ladder. According to the Alanta Journal-Constitution, the duo are getting their own spin-off show on VH1. 

It might be a good thing. In one of his last scenes, Stevie J wrote a note saying that he would be moving to Los Angeles to get his music career rolling again, so it looks like Hernandez is following suit.

They'll probably get to film with who they want, so there will probably be less drama and hopefully a stronger focus on their work lives, which could be interesting.


Don't sleep on Stevie Jhe was one of the top producers in the 1990s. (Remember him dancing alongside Puffy, the Lox and Mase in Mariah Carey's "Honey" video because, well, he co-wrote the hit?) Stevie J getting back to his hit-making days is just what he, Hernandez and the show might need to make it more positive and entertaining. 


According to the AJC report, the show will have eight episodes. 

Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.


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