The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart takes Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to task for supporting a Birther bill instead of rejecting it. Jindal, who legally changed his birth name, released his long-form birth certificate after Baton Rouge newspaper the Advocate ran an editorial saying, "Piyush Amrit Jindal is the last man in America who should give his blessing to a birther bill." The middle name was wrong. Read Capehart's thoughts about the matter.
Oh, so you thought we were done with all this birther craziness? Ha! Not a chance. On Friday, Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) released his birth certificate in a fit of pique and silliness over a newspaper getting his middle name wrong. Well, it was a little bit more involved than that.
Jindal threw his support behind a birther bill currently making its way through the state legislature that would require those who want to run for national office to show proof of U.S. birth in order to be on the Louisiana ballot. Last month, Baton Rouge newspaper the Advocate ran an editorial saying, "Piyush Amrit Jindal is the last man in America who should give his blessing to a birther bill." Amen to that, since Jindal is the son of two immigrant parents whose journey from India to the United States was chronicled by the Times-Picayune.
But "Amrit" isn't the governor's middle name. Ticked off, Jindal released his long-form birth certificate to prove it.
Read more at the Washington Post.
In other news: Courthouse Confederate Flag at Center of Murder Appeal.
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