Despite Whoopi’s plea back in December of 2019, it appears John McCain’s daughter still won’t stop talking.
In fact, she’s talking so much that, per a new interview with Variety, she’s finally decided to come out with a new memoir that largely details her time as co-host of The View, including the moments that helped seal her decision to say goodbye once and for all. (A decision that a large chunk of viewers are also still more than OK with, by the way. But let’s move on.)
That said, it’s not just any old memoir—no! Folks, it’s an AUDIO memoir. Which means, what? Yup, you guessed it! Meghan McCain will be talking SOME MORE as she narrates her trials and tribulations. (Whoopi, sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. She didn’t listen to you then, and she ain’t listening to you now.)
In conversation with Ramin Setoodeh, (who outed himself as a friend of McCain’s and her former editor, which, I mean—conflict of interest, much?), the former co-host referenced her previous place of employment as a “toxic work environment,” explaining:
You can watch the show and see that it’s unhinged and disorganized and rowdy. For me personally, it felt extremely isolating because of my political ideology. I was the only conservative on the show. The third year, they ended up hiring a producer for me who was also conservative. I need to put the context in. I was working on the show as the only conservative during the Trump years. I felt like a lot of people took out their anger on the administration on me because I was the only person in the building who was a Republican. I felt like I was too many degrees of separation close to Trump, despite the fact that everyone who worked on the show saw firsthand how much President Trump and his family put me through emotionally. I feel like I have post-traumatic stress from having to feud with the president when my dad was dying, and then having to feud with the president after he died. And I haven’t fully healed.
In an exclusive excerpt provided to Variety from her upcoming memoir, titled Bad Republican, she further elaborates: “In my four years there, I was the target of plenty of shade—too much to even begin to recount—and then I also experienced more toxic, direct and purposeful hostility.”
*Insert eye roll emoji here* Sure, Jan.
Later on in the excerpt, John McCain’s daughter also pinpointed the exact moment she felt “open disdain” from co-host Whoopi Goldberg and how, after the “Girl, please stop talking” incident live on-air, it “left a scar on their relationship” from that moment on.
So wait, let me get this straight: Because you did what you normally do, which is take everything as a personal affront and attack—even though, in this specific instance, Whoopi was addressing both you and Hostin—it left a permanent sour taste in your mouth? Even though there have been numerous times during your four years on the show that undoubtedly made us all want to choke at the way you treated and talked to (and over) everyone else?
Give me a break, Jan.
Additionally, Mayo McCain also detailed the time Joy told her she had not missed her upon her return from maternity leave, noting that it was that moment, coupled with her postpartum anxiety, that solidified her decision to walk away from the desk and never return.
Per the excerpt:
Until that moment, it hadn’t even occurred to me that Joy hadn’t missed me. She’d texted me to ask to see a baby picture of Liberty, and she’d seemed happy for me. We’d chatted in a friendly way. I believed that, despite all our differences, deep down, we had a mutual understanding of respect for each other. When we broke for commercial, I burst into tears. Not just like tearing up, uncontrollable sobbing. I was super hormonal and deeply hurt.
“If you guys didn’t want me to come back, I wouldn’t have come back!” I said to the producer in my earpiece. I told him he might need to pull my camera away for a minute because I wasn’t sure if I could get myself together in time to go back to interviewing people. I felt my boobs begin to leak from lactation. I was embarrassed and shaking. I felt like I wasn’t in control of my body. I didn’t want millions of viewers to see that. After sobbing for what felt like an eternity, I wiped my face, took deep breaths, and double-checked that my nipples were not in camera range. I tried to smile and focus as the show resumed.
She added, “After giving birth, I didn’t feel like myself. I felt extremely vulnerable. Joy seemed to smell that vulnerability like a shark smells blood in the water, and she took after it. Why was this worth it to her? I will never know. But, so much for working moms looking out for each other.”
Sure, Mascarpone McCain. Blame it all on the non-solidarity of working moms and not your extremely antagonistic personality. I’m over it.
This is usually the part where I include a blurb about where you can pre-order John McCain’s daughter memoir, but let’s face it: I think we’ve all read and heard enough.