You know it's out of hand when a crooner known more for his music-making skills and penchant for social justice blasts "the Donald." Pop Eater is reporting that Grammy Award-winning singer John Legend blasted Donald Trump over his Birther comments about President Obama, saying, "He needs to stop saying that racist bulls—- Birther s—-," Legend told told Vulture last night in New York City. "Quote me, please. He should be ashamed of himself. It's awful, really."
Trump's Birther shuffle on the morning news-show circuit has caused celebrities like Bill Cosby to tell Trump to "run or shut up."
We're glad that Legend put it out there, because what Trump and the Birthers are doing is steeped in racism. No other president's lineage has been questioned the way that Obama's has, and that is telling. Orly Taitz, the founder of the Birthers, was born in Russia and has been an American citizen for less than a decade, so why isn't anyone questioning her motives?
Yeah, the Cold War is over, but clearly racism isn't. There is plenty to attack in Obama's presidential record that has nothing to do with his race, religion or upbringing, yet haters like Trump and Taitz continue to harp on it, riling up the worst part of our society. Free speech isn't always free, and we're sure that "the Donald" will learn that sooner rather than later. Cue black and brown folks tuning out Trump and Celebrity Apprentice.
Read more at Popeater.
In other news: Allen Iverson to Cop: 'Do You Know Who I Am?'
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