To let mainstream media tell it, Black dads are missing in action—leaving countless Black kids to be raised without the presence of a male role model. But according to a National Health Statistics Report released by the Centers for Disease Control, Black fathers are more involved than some may think – often even more than some of their white and Hispanic counterparts.
The report, which looked at American fathers’ involvement with their kids over a four year period, found that 78 percent of Black dads ate meals with their kids compared to 74 percent of white dads and 64 percent of Hispanic fathers. The study also showed that 41 percent of Black fathers who were present in the home helped their children with daily homework assignments, compared with 29 percent of Hispanic dads and 28 percent of white dads.
Singer John Legend wants to help change that narrative and remove the negative stigma around Black fathers.
In a recent interview with Parents, the songwriter talked about growing up with a single father and the impact it had on his relationship with his children, Luna, Miles, Esti and Wren.
“My parents divorced, and we lived with my dad for many of my teenage years,” he said. “I’m very blessed to have had not only a present Black father but also somebody who was loving and showed me an admirable form of masculinity and who taught us how to be good men.”
Legend added that the idea of the absent Black father is a myth, insisting that Black dads are doing their thing.
“I know from personal experience that even when the father isn’t married to the mother, that doesn’t mean the father isn’t very present and involved in their child’s life,” he said. “If you look further into the statistics, it shows that Black fathers are quite present and very involved in their kids’ upbringing, even if they’re not married to the mother.
The “Ordinary People” singer and father of four, is currently promoting a new children’s album, “My Favorite Dream.” The album, full of upbeat songs and peaceful lullabies, was inspired by his wife Chrissy Teigen’s suggestion that he record a version of their daughter Esti’s favorite song, “Maybe.”
An Instagram post of Legend’s beautiful cover caught the attention of the folks at Fisher Price, who commented, “Do we hear… a collab 👀”
Legend says the album, which he hopes will inspire and comfort kids, has a message for parents too.
“I love a ‘Great, Great Day,’” he said. “It’s really about understanding that when you’re going through tough times, and coming to a resolution you’re going to be optimistic about what’s to come ahead. And, I think adults could use that message too.”