Trevor Noah clapped back at Joe Rogan after he claimed in a podcast segment that only “100 percent African” people should be called Black. On Tuesday’s episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan offered his thoughts (as a very white man) on what it means to be Black to podcast guest professor Jordan Peterson, reported Newsweek. He questioned why people ‘his color’ identified as Black and Peterson referred to himself as not really white but ‘tan.’
“There’s such a spectrum of shades of people. Unless you’re talking to someone who is, like, 100 percent African, from the darkest place, where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they’ve developed all that melanin to protect themselves from the sun, you know, even the term Black is weird. When you use it for people who are literally my color, it becomes very strange,” said Rogan via Newsweek.
Trevor Noah mocked the ridiculous claims made by Rogan on his show.
From Newsweek:
After playing a clip of the exchange, Noah looked at his hands in feigned shock as he quipped: “Oh my God! I’m not Black! I’m not Black! Joe Rogan’s right! I’m like a Caramel Mocha Frappuccino. This changes everything. This changes everything!”
He then ran off screen, prompting the sound of police sirens to play on the set.
Returning to his desk, Noah then informed his audience: “The police said I’m Black. But yeah, apparently Joe Rogan really wants to know why they say ‘Black people’ if they’re not the color of a Sharpie.”
Noah also reminded Rogan and the audience that Black people did not call themselves Black, initially. White people did not arrive in Africa with interest in differentiating between tribes. “But then white people got there, and they were like, ‘Wow. There’s a lot of Black people here. A lot of Black people.’ Then in America, they invented a rule that if you had one drop of Black blood in you, that makes you Black—which defined how you were treated by the government and by society,” said Noah, via Newsweek.
Previous podcast guest professor Michael Eric Dyson called professor Peterson an ‘angry white man’ to which Peterson responded he was not white but actually ‘tan.’ Dyson addressed Rogan and Peterson in an CNN interview with Don Lemon, reported Newsweek.
From Newsweek:
Stating that it represented a wider issue, Dyson went on: “This is the same kind of ignorance that fuels the belief that [critical race theory] is being taught in elementary schools.
“This is the same kind of ignorance that would have us believe that 1619 is anti-democratic, anti-American project. This is the nature of the whiteness we continually confront. This is willful ignorance.
Well, that explains why white Twitter was up in arms over Spotify choosing to give Rogan a podcast over keeping Neil Young’s music catalogue. Anyways, someone save us from this podcast movement. Not everyone needs a microphone.