Jill Scott is the latest celebrity to have her photos hacked and posted online. Scott’s seminude photo, which went viral Wednesday night, could be part of the largest celebrity photo hack in history. Two photos were posted, but Scott verified on Twitter that only one was actually of her.
In a tweet that was later deleted, the singer and actress also expressed her disgust about having her privacy invaded.
On Sunday other celebrities, such as Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, verified that their iPhones and iCloud accounts were hacked. The photo leaks have been dubbed “the Fappening” on Reddit, where the majority of the celebrity nudes have been posted. The hack has prompted the FBI and Apple to start their own investigations, but Apple contends that iCloud and its Find My Phone app had nothing to do with the photos being leaked.
As Scott’s leaked photo was shared on social media, she was also subjected to various forms of body shaming. From the jokes being made about her breast size to ones about her body size in general, it’s safe to say that a lot of people on the Internet have the minds of hormonal, unintelligent teens. Let’s not forget the breach of privacy that’s involved as well.