In Pennsylvania, former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, who was found guilty and convicted of 45 charges of child sex abuse on Friday, was jailed just after the trial's conclusion. Now Sandusky, whose lawyers are mulling an appeal of their client's conviction, has been placed under surveillance and housed in a section away from the jail's general population, according to CNN.
[Sandusky's] co-counsel, Karl Rominger, cited questionable court decisions during the trial as grounds for appeal. "The judge was very fair to us on many levels, but there were a lot of unique legal issues where he made rulings that could be overturned, not because they were, per se, wrong, but because the law in the area was so unclear," Rominger said.
He said "substantial constitutional questions" surrounded the prosecution's ability to use an accuser's claims based on hearsay alone. "All the convictions could come back on that ruling alone," Rominger said.
The attorney said Saturday that Sandusky has been placed on a suicide watch for his own safety. He is being held in protective custody, in an area separate from other inmates, as he awaits sentencing.
Read more at CNN.