Jerry Jones Says Players on ‘America’s Team’ Required to Stand for National Anthem

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Although there are currently negotiations between the NFL’s owners and its player’s union over the owner’s disastrous policy on players sitting or kneeling during the national anthem, one master team owner is doing his own thing, proving that this entire thing is going to pot.

Billionaire Jerry Jones, who has owned the Dallas Cowboys franchise since 1989, said Wednesday that the team will not support players who choose to remain in the locker room (or kneel, obviously) when The Star-Spangled Banner plays.

“Our policy is you stand during the anthem, toe on the line,” Jones said in a press conference. “Our position is real clear: You should stand.”


Jones’ statement upends an agreement the players and owners have made while they negotiate their new policy. USA Today reports that according to a joint statement, “No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

But walking cadaver Jones said what he said.

The outlet reports that owners who have spoken out are divided. Giants co-owner Steve Tisch and Jets CEO Christopher Johnson have said their respective teams would not punish any player who chose to protest during the anthem, so I guess those players on America’s team who want to be able to exercise their first amendment rights at work might want to steal away to New York.