ColorLines is reporting that Keep a Child Alive, an organization co-founded by Alicia Keys that provides support services to families affected by HIV/AIDS, has launched a campaign called Buy Life. Keys has organized a group of entertainers to sign off of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter and commit a digital-life sacrifice on Wednesday, World AIDS Day, until they raise $1 million. The campaign includes Jennifer Hudson, Usher, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, Serena Williams, Janelle Monae, Lady Gaga, Willow and Jaden Smith.
One of the campaign's goals is to get people thinking about what it means to buy a life beyond HIV medications. Celebrities "dying" off of social networks will be impactful not only from a visual standpoint but also in highlighting HIV/AIDS awareness, treatment and prevention while raising funds for research. Who says celebrities are shallow?
Read more at ColorLines.