Jeff Sessions Is a Casualty of Trump’s Fight With the Press

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Donald Trump and the Trumpettes are quickly learning that picking a war with the media was a bad look. If you are going to go against a group of people whose job is to literally go through all your stuff to see what they can find, you better have your shit tight.

And President Vladimir TrumPutin has never had his shit together. And now the press, the “fake media” with all their “bad reporting,” has found that U.S. Attorney General Jeff “Mr. KKK Is OK With Me” Sessions had not one, but two, conversations with the Russians and then lied about it under oath. And now Democrats and some GOP leaders are calling for him to resign.

Sessions recently told MSNBC: “I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign.” He added: “And those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false. And I don’t have anything else to say about that.”


Except Sessions sounds like a Maury guest who swears up and down he didn’t have sex with anyone else until a lie detector test reveals that is a lie.


President TrumPutin has yet to comment on the whole messy mess that was created by stellar reporters at the Washington Post doing their job. I think the point that the dictator in chief has forgotten is that when it comes to the presidency, the press does the work of the people. Its members are the ones who hold court with the president and his staff. They are the ones who have daily contact with the administration and can ask the questions the rest of us want answered.


Could the Washington Post have broken this story without being involved in an all-out war with the president? Surely. But I know this: When you come for the press, the press will come for you. You don’t get to lob accusations and claim that reporting is false and fabricated and not deal with the repercussions.

And make no mistake about it—Sessions is a direct result of reporters’ willingness to work a little harder and stay a little later because of the president’s claims against them. The Post holds one distinction that no other paper in the country has: It has brought down a president. And it can smell blood in the water with this administration.


This Sessions mess isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and just know this: Sessions didn’t just meet with some random Russian dude; he met with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador whom U.S. intelligence considers to be one of Russia’s top spies and spy recruiters, according to CNN. It was then-national security adviser Michael Flynn’s (remember him?) close ties to Kislyak that led to his firing.

Here’s hoping the same happens to Sessions. He shouldn’t have been the attorney general in the first place, and if his noted racist past isn’t enough, he also hates weed. No, he seriously hates marijuana. What kind of person in this day and age hates marijuana?


Read more at CNN.