Jay-Z Bans the B-Word; Big Deal!

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In an entry at Just Khaotic, Dr. Boyce Watkins uses harsh analogies to underscore his disgust with Jay-Z's announcement that he will stop using the word "bitch" in his rhymes after having a baby girl. He should have stopped 20 years ago, Watkins writes.

… You can’t spend two decades referring to other men’s daughters as b*tches and hoes, and then somehow decide that your own daughter is going to be exempt from the game. You, my brother, have given nearly every inch of your creative productivity toward murdering your daughter’s self and public image before she was even born. In other words, you brought Blue Ivy Carter into a world where most of your biggest fans will look at her and refer to her not as daddy’s little princess, but instead as a dirty little b*tch.  I fact, they will even get paid for it.

Jay-Z trying to ban the word b*tch after giving birth to a girl is like a mass murderer asking other killers to be nice to his relatives.  His music has helped to infect the world with the virus of misogyny, and now he wants to act like the Center for Disease Control.  He’s like the homophobic pastor who leads anti-gay lynch mobs and later finds out that his own son is gay.  It’s actually quite funny if you think about it.


Perhaps Jay-Z will now learn the frustrations of millions of other fathers who’ve been long hurt that so many hip-hop artists have trained black men to show the utmost disrespect for their little girls.  He will know what it’s like to have a “tatted up” Jay-Z/Lil Wayne wannabe earn his daughter’s loyalty because he convinces her that she can’t do any better.  He will spend the remainder of his years reaping everything he’s spent his life sowing, and end up paying the piper handsomely after getting rich by teaching other men to hate his child …

Read Dr. Boyce Watkins' entire blog entry at Just Khaotic.