Jason Derulo and His Entourage Got Kicked Off a Flight After He Voiced Concerns About Being Treated Unfairly

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On Saturday, Jason Derulo and his entourage got kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight departing from Reno, Nev., and headed to Los Angeles. 

As is often the case with these kinds of disputes, there are two versions circulating that describe what caused the altercation. 

A source told People magazine that Derulo and his crew were upset that the airport escort they'd requested was denied. 


"His team requested an escort and were denied, and they believed they were being treated unfairly," the source told People.


Perhaps the argument got out of hand, because not long after, they were told that they wouldn't be able to fly.


"When they voiced their concerns to the airline, they were told they could not fly and proceeded on the plane anyway. At that point, the Southwest agent called the authorities and removed them," People reported. 

According to the source, Derulo himself was never told that he couldn't fly, but he didn't want to leave his crew, so he left the plane, too, and got a private jet instead. 


Southwest Airlines released a statement indicating that Derulo and his crew weren't following appropriate boarding protocols, and that that's why they were asked to leave.

"According to our employees, the group refused to follow boarding procedures," the airline representative said in the statement. "Initial reports indicate that several customers complained about the group's behavior."


Derulo posted a video on Instagram that showed him and his entourage sitting comfortably on the private jet. At the end of the clip, a friend of Derulo says, "They can't kick me off of this!" 


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Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.

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