Like a stick figure drawn with a shaky hand on Picasso’s “Family of Saltimbanques,” Ivanka Trump, who was not elected to any office, attended the G-20 Summit and tried to make friends—except, she’s not a world leader.
Despite being the daughter of a traitor whose presidency will always hold an asterisk next to his name, Ivanka decided that because daddy Donald Trump loves her, everyone else does, too. So she found her way into a conversation with world leaders and was quickly ignored.
In a clip released by the French presidential palace (because petty), Ivanka appears to jump into a conversation with “French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Theresa May and International Monetary Fund Chairwoman Christine Lagarde,” the Hill reports.
Ivanka was all, “Heyyyy y’all” and “What it do?” while shooting the elected leaders and high-profile people the “I see you” head nod. When Macron reportedly looked at her like “Who is slim?” Theresa May reportedly looked at Ivanka and mouthed, “Now go home and get your fucking shine box.”
Fine, none of that happened but the awkward moment did go viral because WTF is Ivanka doing there anyway, and why is she comfortable enough to jump into a conversation when grown folks are talking?
Because the internet will always remain undefeated, the hashtag #UnwantedIvanka was born, where users superimposed Ivanka into some of the world’s most favorite moments.
Here’s Ivanka storming the beach at Normandy:
And here she is during the assassination of President Lincoln and celebrating with Michael Jordan after the NBA Championship:
And here she is, front row to witness Muhammad Ali knocking out Sonny Liston:
Just Ivanka being Ivanka:
Another Twitter user asked that we not shame Ivanka’s moon landing!
And how could we forget the Mona Lisa/Ivanka: