While we don’t know if Hillary Clinton lost fair and square to President Vladimir TrumPutin, we do know that she lost, and as it stands, the former secretary of state did not win the presidency and does not hold a current position in TrumPutin’s regime. So TrumPutin’s administration really needs to stop dragging her name into its fights. She has nothing to do with the putrid stink coming off this raggedy-ass administration; but, of course, that didn’t stop Sean “Spicy Facts” Spicer from doing what he does best: spicing up the facts.
On Friday, Spicy Facts found a way to drag Clinton into this whole messy-ass Russian affair after being peppered with questions around the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russia’s obvious possible involvement in the 2016 election.
“As we’ve said before, when you talk about Russia in particular, everyone who has been briefed on this subject, from Republican to Democrat to CIA, former Obama administration’s Clapper, Brennan, you name it, all of those people come back with the same conclusion, and I think that’s important, that there’s been no evidence of the president’s campaign and Russian officials,” Spicer said.
Spicy Facts continued, and here is where things got spicy:
“It was Hillary Clinton who was the architect of the last administration’s failed ‘Reset’ policy. She told Russian state TV it was designed to strengthen Russia. That was their goal, to strengthen Russia. She used her office to make concession after concession, selling off one-fifth of our country’s uranium, paid speeches, paid deals, getting personal calls from Vladimir Putin. If you really want to talk about a Russian connection and the substance, that’s where we should be looking, that, not there.”
Da fuq?
Hillary Clinton is off somewhere hiking and wondering why this Lil-Yachty-ass administration keeps her name in their mouths. Someone needs to tell TrumPutin and his minions that it’s an effective tactic in debate to continuously point out the flaws of one’s opponent, but you won, dawg. You and all your family all have jobs in the White House, so stop talking about a civilian who is busy minding her damn business, and worry about the walls closing in on this Russia investigation.