It's Feeling Like a Cool Dad Kind of Father's Day This Year: Very Smart Brothas Has You Covered With Gift Ideas

It's Feeling Like a Cool Dad Kind of Father's Day This Year: Very Smart Brothas Has You Covered With Gift Ideas

The days of monochromatic socks are over. If there must be socks, they will be fly!

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Photo: Prostock-Studio (Shutterstock)

I’m not saying Father’s Day gets the Judy Winslow treatment, but if Father’s Day walked upstairs and never came back, would there be an uproar? I’m not sure there would be based on the effort folks typically put into gifts for dad. Maybe it’s our fault (I’m dad, hear me roar); maybe dads out there play it so cool that we give the impression that a pair of socks and a card that says “Happy Birthday!” will suffice. And I mean can you ever have enough ties or socket wrenches? Probably not. But you know what, dads these days tend to be cooler than dads of yore. Or at least we’re younger at heart longer.


I love a good pair of pleated Dockers just like the next guy, but I’m also still wearing and buying Jordans. My pants don’t have elastic in them yet, friends. And I’ll bet there’s lots of dads out there just like me–dads who are still actively into their interests and seeing through their spiritual and mental aesthetic. So you know what, here at VSB HQ, this year, we’re going to help you all find some cool gifts for for the cool dad in your life, aged 25-plus. *wink*

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Black Dads Are Dope Tee

Black Dads Are Dope Tee


What better way to tell the Black dad in your life that he’s dope than a shirt that literally expresses that exact sentiment? Plus, it’s a shirt that can be worn year round that is both cool and puts good and positive energy in the universe; it’s the gift that keeps on giving. And the cherry on top is the company. Based in Philadelphia, Stoop and Stank is also a Black-woman owned company so it’s a win-win for everybody on Father’s Day.

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How About Some Fly Art (of Chuck Styles)?!

How About Some Fly Art (of Chuck Styles)?!


I’d like to call myself an art person but that’s probably not true. I’m a certain type of art person. I’ll bet lots of others are, too. Chuck Styles is an artist who gets my personal aesthetic with tons of portrait style renderings of artists, activists, athletes, moments and movements, there’s something for everybody. From Sade to a scene from Amazon Prime’s One Night in Miami...and everywhere in between, Chuck Styles has something for everybody. And you know who is part of everybody? Dad.

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A Candle for the Sneakerhead In Your Life from Cölle

A Candle for the Sneakerhead In Your Life from Cölle


Is the dad in your life still into sneakers? Does he spend as much time perusing sneaker resale sites talking himself into (and then out of...and then back into) buying those shoes he never did get when he was 15 as he does checking out is stock portfolio? If so, maybe he’ll like one of those remarkably detailed candles from Cölle LA. I have a few of these joints and the craftsmanship is impressive AF. With candle shoe options like Jordan 1s, Air Force 1s (white and an eerily realistic black), Air Cortez, Dunks and Kobes, there’s probably a shoe dad will love. The only catch here is that they do monthly drops so you have to catch them on drop day–usually the last day of the month at midnight PST. Oh, and the cereal candles? Literally the best smelling candle I have EVER smelt. Dad will like; trust me, I’m a blogger.

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How About Some Historical Cocktails

How About Some Historical Cocktails


Like most things in life, if it’s amazing and innovative, a Black person was probably around for it, the cause of it or altogether created it. Such is the case with the book The Ideal Bartender by Tom Bullock, a Black bartender who penned the first cocktail book by a Black person, The Ideal Bartender. And of course, history forgot him until now. You can get a copy of his book for dad who might be itching to try out some new (or oldAF, actually) cocktail recipes that might be historically great. What father doesn’t like to get a little drinkin’ in every now and then? Amirite?

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How About Janet Jackson x Comic Books

How About Janet Jackson x Comic Books


Does the dad in your life still like comic books? Probably. Does he also love Janet Jackson? Who doesn’t? What if you could put the two together? Well, Liam Alexander Art has done just that and you can buy a whole set of prints of Janet Jackson album covers reimagined as comic book covers. The idea of it is coolAF by itself, but imagine handing this fine collectible over to dad in frames and the whole nine? I just don’t think you can go wrong here. In fact, I need to tell my wife to get up on this gift. CONTROL!

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The Harriet Tubman Stamp Kit

The Harriet Tubman Stamp Kit

Is the dad in your life a rebel? Like a real real rebel? Was he really disappointed that the face on the $20 wasn’t going to change to Harriet Tubman like we all thought? Has he at all mentioned wishing that he could turn his $20s into Tubmans himself? Then look no further than the Harriet Tubman Stamp Kit, complete with everything the father in your life needs to turn his $20 bills into Tubmans. Gimmicky? Sure. But sometimes all you need is the light and the way to stand up and fight for a cause. Sounds like a perfect Father’s Day gift to me, ya know.

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Very Good Revolutionary Bandana Swag

Very Good Revolutionary Bandana Swag


Bandanas never quite go out of style. Whether you’re 25 or 85, there is almost always a reason to keep a bandana near your side. Well what if that bandana had some dope campaign and revolution buttons as it’s decoration. That’s exactly what you get from All Very Goods, a Black-woman owned company out of Washington, D.C. The owner, Ama, has an array of bandanas and other items that would be perfect for the cool dad to keep his swag on 100 at all times.

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If Headz Only Knew How I Felt About The Rap Game

If Headz Only Knew How I Felt About The Rap Game


If the dad in your life is cool—and he most certainly still is, then he probably still wears hats. And if he still wears hats then maybe he is still into hip-hop from yesteryear, and especially his favorite group from the 90s, which could easily be A Tribe Called Quest. So why not get him a “Midnight Marauders” hat, or a “Notorious” hat, or some such other option. OriginalHeadz got you, fam. With T-shirts and hats, dad can be cool, or have cool decorations to put around his office that has some throwback to when he was all about that hip-hop life.

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Of Course, There Are Socks

Of Course, There Are Socks


What’s Father’s Day without socks? But if there will be socks, they will be fly! My personal go-to is Stance Socks. They have socks for the contemporary man who is cool, fly and likes to style and profile when it’s warm outside. Like June. When Father’s Day happens. If you must get socks, why not get socks he might actually want to wear? You’re welcome.

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Help Him Stay Sexy, Too

Help Him Stay Sexy, Too


If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that self-care is paramount. So if the Dad in your life is gonna stare at himself in the mirror every time he brushes his teeth, the least he can do is take pride at the reflection smiling back at him. From trimmers, to body washes, to beard balms, to even tweezers, Golden has a wide assortment of products that will help preserve Daddy dearest’s sexy while also sparing you the embarrassment of being seen in public with a fucking heathen. And with five percent of sales going to HBCUs, trust and believe you’re supporting a brand that’s not only Black owned, but also makes quality products. Father’s Day has never looked better. — Jay Connor

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And In Case You Want to Spend Some Money...

And In Case You Want to Spend Some Money...


With outside officially a thing again, there’s no better way to reintegrate back into society than behind the wheel of a fast-ass car. More specifically, a Polaris Slingshot; which is about the closest thing the Dad in your life will ever come to actually driving a Batmobile. It’s fast, it’s fun, it’s affordable, and it’s available for either purchase or rent. So if you really want to put a smile on somebody’s face this Father’s Day, leave this in the driveway and thank me later. — Jay Connor
