I’m not saying Father’s Day gets the Judy Winslow treatment, but if Father’s Day walked upstairs and never came back, would there be an uproar? I’m not sure there would be based on the effort folks typically put into gifts for dad. Maybe it’s our fault (I’m dad, hear me roar); maybe dads out there play it so cool that we give the impression that a pair of socks and a card that says “Happy Birthday!” will suffice. And I mean can you ever have enough ties or socket wrenches? Probably not. But you know what, dads these days tend to be cooler than dads of yore. Or at least we’re younger at heart longer.
I love a good pair of pleated Dockers just like the next guy, but I’m also still wearing and buying Jordans. My pants don’t have elastic in them yet, friends. And I’ll bet there’s lots of dads out there just like me–dads who are still actively into their interests and seeing through their spiritual and mental aesthetic. So you know what, here at VSB HQ, this year, we’re going to help you all find some cool gifts for for the cool dad in your life, aged 25-plus. *wink*