A "joke" tweeted by the wife of Israeli Interior Minister Silvan Shalom drew fierce backlash on Twitter, ultimately leading her to delete the post and then apologize, Haaretz reports.
"Do u know what Obama Coffee is? Black and weak," Judy Nir-Mozes Shalom tweeted. According to the news report, Shalom quickly deleted the tweet, but not before some users got ahold of it and reprimanded her for what they considered to be a racist joke.
One Twitter user replied to the tweet by saying, "@JudyMozes - appalled you would tweet something so racist about the President," Haaretz notes.
Another Twitter user alluded to Shalom's husband's position in the Israeli government and the potential damage the message could cause: "@JudyMozes you need to apologize for this asap. You are seriously doing grievous damage to Israel's friends abroad."
Shalom did end up apologizing fairly quickly, calling the message a "stupid joke somebody told me."
Read more at Haaretz.