In his Fox Sports column, Jason Whitlock discusses the winning streak of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. He says that if his game is anything like his personal story, he just might keep winning. Could he even be the Magic Johnson of the NFL?
If this works, if Tim Tebow keeps winning games, keeps getting better, keeps forcing John Elway and John Fox to consider an alternative quarterback route to the Super Bowl, it won’t be some impossible-to-believe miracle, an act of a higher power.
Tim Tebow is not a religious symbol. He’s a shrine to the power of a strong, committed, passionate two-parent upbringing. Tebow’s birth — a product of his mother’s faith and refusal to listen to doctors advising her to abort — might very well have been a religious miracle. Tebow’s performance on the football field is testament to Bob and Pam Tebow and what they instilled in their youngest child.
At this moment, no one knows whether the Tebow experiment Elway and Fox have been pressured into undertaking will result in anything more sustainable than Tennessee’s Vince Young experience or Atlanta’s Michael Vick roller coaster.
Read Jason Whitlock's entire column at Fox Sports.