Ta-Nehisi Coates, in his Atlantic blog, says that the Republican electorate is definitely undergoing a sea change when Christine O'Donnell walks off Piers Morgan's CNN show after being pressed on her position on gay marriage. Members of the Republican Party used to take pleasure espousing anti-gay bigotry.
If I were an activist, I'd be absolutely thrilled by this Piers Morgan interview in which Christine O'Donnell refuses to discuss gay marriage, to the point of her walking off. It fits in with a pattern among Republicans — even [Michele] Bachmann — to try and downplay their bigoted views toward gays. This is a tacit acknowledgement that the electorate is changing. It was only eight years ago that the Republican Party was effectively running on anti-gay bigotry. Now — at least on the national stage — people are trying to avoid it.
Progress should not be conflated with "Utopia." On the contrary, expect an uptick in accusations of heterophobia, pro-gay tyranny, and bigotry against straight people. Progress means complication. It's a comparatively good problem to have.
Read Ta-Nehisi Coates' entire post at the Atlantic.