Normally in times of turmoil, one quick call to mom will set things right. But what happens if mama is too busy drinking at the bar dealing with her own problems to help her children with theirs?
Don’t laugh because it’s happening.
Normally in times of turmoil, one quick call to mom will set things right. But what happens if mama is too busy drinking at the bar dealing with her own problems to help her children with theirs?
Don’t laugh because it’s happening.
A survey released by and the Insight Research Group One claims that one in three moms said they have turned to vices such as overeating, drinking, drugs and/or gambling to cope with the stress from the recession.
It seems the increasingly financial pressures on mothers have become unbearable.
Two-thirds told surveyors that they feel intensely negative emotions, resulting in arguing, fits of crying and frustration as they worry about the state of the world, how to pay the bills, etc.
Almost 9 in 10 said they have sacrificed buying something for themselves in order to keep up buying nice things for their children.
Even worse (depending on who you’re asking) is that one in four moms have said they are having less sex with their partners in lieu of their economic stress.
That can only give way to pissed off dads (or domestic partners – we’re inclusive around these parts). has put together a Recession Survival Guide to help mommies deal with their stress.
It’s much better than the advice I thought of: Play lotto.
Have any of you talked to your mom lately and felt that she seemed to be overwhelmed?
Are you a mother struggling to stay sane?
I’d love to hear from you.
Email me at
Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him on Twitter.