On March 18, 2021, Mark Morrison’s “Return of The Mack” reached its 25th birthday. To commemorate this accoladational (Editor’s note: this is not a word) achievement for this song that really is the best song ever, I shared an article I wrote in 2017 stating as much, titled “Return of The Mack” Is The Best Song Ever that Nobody Acknowledges Is The Greatest Song Ever.
For whatever reason, two of my colleagues—both Damon Young and Shanelle Genai—decided to write responses to this claim. Shanelle’s piece, titled “I Don’t Know Which Very Smart Brotha Needs to Hear This, but Maxwell’s ‘Ascension’ Is Actually the Best Song Ever” was especially curious. I mean...for why?
Nobody asked and yet here we are. Well, I was so flabbergasted, taken aback, and run amuck at the challenges laid bare before me that I decided that the question—already resolved as far as I’m concerned—was worth a discussion and potential debate.
Shanelle joined me for the latest episode of Pass the Peas to discuss her article, her writing journey, favorite albums and other songs that might be considered the best songs ever. I also asked the all-important question of 112 versus Jagged Edge, and whether she prefers Frank Ocean’s Blonde or Channel Orange. And I think Ray J even manages to become part of the conversation.
So check out the latest episode of Pass the Peas With Panama Jackson, brought to you by Very Smart Brothas x The Root. You can check it out wherever you get your podcasts!
Is ‘Return of The Mack’ the Greatest Song Ever? A Debate with TheRoot.com’s Shanelle Genai Who Disagrees (She’s Wrong) (Spotify Link)
Is ‘Return of The Mack’ the Greatest Song Ever? A Debate with TheRoot.com’s Shanelle Genai Who Disagrees (She’s Wrong) (Apple Podcasts)
Is ‘Return of The Mack’ the Greatest Song Ever? A Debate with TheRoot.com’s Shanelle Genai Who Disagrees (She’s Wrong) (Google Play)
Thanks, Obama.