(The Root) — It's one thing when political campaigns are lying to you through social media, TV ads and directly from their candidates' mouths — but how do you feel about it when it's directly to your phone?
The preceding text screen grab was sent to me from the Twitter account @Lyrikkmashairi with the message:
"I shouldn't be recieving texts like this. This is illegal!!!"
Sadly, it's not. While automated text messages are illegal, email isn't. As reported in the Los Angeles Times:
Although the Federal Communications Commission has clearly stated that unsolicited automated text messages are against the law, some political advertising firms have found a way around the ban.
Instead of sending text messages the traditional way — from one phone number to another — these firms send emails to people's cellphones, which produce messages that appear much like text messages.
As someone who has received unsolicited text messages while I was going through a rough period (read: dead broke), I remember freaking out because I was charged for them! Not everyone has unlimited texts. Then imagine getting these ridiculous messages.
ITWorld.com reports that the company that's behind the text spam is ccAdvertising:
According to GoDaddy, these domains belong to a Centreville, Virginia, company called ccAdvertising. According to its Web site, “ccAdvertising uses unique interactive technology to conduct personalized telephone surveys and messages with great results and service.”
What's magical about all of this is that the text message we've posted here isn't simply anti-Obama — it's anti-truth. Obama did not steal $716 billion from Medicare. Obama cut spending on Medicare by $716 billion and extended Medicare's lifespan overall. But who needs facts?!?! Who's going to take time to fact-check a random text message?
I'd like to say that I appreciate the GOP coming up with new and interesting ways to do things that are illegal and get away with it. Obviously, this is the party that needs to be in power.
Elon James White is a writer and satirist and host of the award-winning video and radio series This Week in Blackness. Listen Monday to Thursday at 1:30 p.m. EST at TWIB.FM and watch at TV.TWIB.ME/LIVE. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr.