Iowa Trump Supporter Arrested for Voter Fraud Is Back in Jail After Cursing, Yelling Epithets at Neighbor

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An Iowa woman who is facing charges after allegedly voting twice for Donald Trump in November’s election has found herself back in jail after pleading guilty to yelling epithets at a neighbor.

According to the Associated Press, Terri Rote, who is from Des Moines, pleaded guilty Monday to disorderly conduct after being arrested over the weekend. A complaint claims that Rote repeatedly cursed out a neighbor over some dispute about their property line.

Rote is due to stand trial next month on charges of first-degree election misconduct, a class D felony.


A registered Republican, Rote is accused of casting an early-voting ballot at the Polk County Election Office, and then another ballot at the county satellite voting location in Des Moines. Because, you know, nothing says “irony” more than someone (allegedly) fraudulently voting for a candidate who spent the entire election decrying voter fraud.


Anyway, as AP notes, Rote told Iowa Public Radio that she believed Trump when he said that the polls “are rigged,” and she was worried that her first vote would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.

A judge revoked Rote’s pretrial release, and she’s currently being held at the Polk County Jail until she posts a $5,000 bond.


Read more at the Des Moines Register.