Iowa Congressman Steve King Compared Immigrants to Dirt Because...Of Course, He Did

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The Diplomats reunion was unexpected. Jim Jones having the best verse on the Sauce Boyz was crazy. Juelz Santana spitting a whole verse with no front teeth was shocking.

Iowa Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) being a racist, white nationalist isn’t unexpected. The revelation that he compared Mexican immigrants to dirt isn’t crazy. Denying that he made such claims even after the news outlet released the tape is shocking.

But Iowa loves the man—not only has he been a congressman since 2013, he was recently re-elected despite his push for a pure white America. Anyway, stop me if you’ve heard any of this before. King may have thought he was in a safe space when he spoke with conservative magazine, the Weekly Standard; they published the article in which King compared Mexicans to “dirt.”


The article, which was published on Nov. 6 claimed that King was talking with a supporter during a campaign stop some days earlier and the two Iowans began waxing about jalapeño farming, pheasant hunting and some other really country shit.


WHO-TV reports:

King: I raised a bunch this year but they didn’t have enough ‘bite?’ I guess I’m going to have to go get some dirt from Mexico to get the next batch.

Supporter: Trust me, its on the way.

King: Yeah, there’s plenty of dirt. It’s coming from the West coast, too, and a lot of other places besides. This is the most dirt we’ve ever seen.


King claimed he didn’t say it and took to Twitter to challenge the story.


The Weekly Standard stood by their claim, to which King then challenged the publication to release the recording if they had it.

Like the old African proverb says: “Don’t let your mouth write a check that your ass can’t cash.”


So on Saturday night, the Weekly Standard was all: “I know this bitch didn’t say our name!” The conservative outlet went to the bank, pulled out its checkbook, wrote “Steve King’s Ass” in the memo section and published a two-minute recording online.

What’s shocking here is that King, who doesn’t seem to back down from making racists, xenophobic, utterly fucked up statements, is still claiming, even after the recording has been shared, that he didn’t mean it that way and that the Weekly Standard is misrepresenting who and what the congressman was referring to. King’s office claim that the dirt King was referring to was the negative press he’s been getting for being a full-on shitheel.


Here is the full response from King’s office:

Adam Rubenstein of the Weekly Standard misrepresented Congressman King’s quotes and wrote willfully deceptive titles before the election even took place. Rubenstein lied to Jeff King, the campaign chairman, on multiple occasions – misrepresenting himself, who he worked for, and where he came from. On the night of the election Rubenstein showed up at King’s election party claiming his credentials were pre-approved by Jeff King. When informed by Jeff that he was not pre-approved and would not be admitted, Rubenstein loudly declared to Jeff King, “You are a liar!” When asked to leave he and Huffington Post reporter, Chris Mathias, refused to leave and put up a vigorous vocal resistance. So vigorous that security had to be called.

The number one misrepresented statement of King’s in the Weekly Standard was falsely claiming that King called immigrant’s “dirt”. After recording King at his district event, it took Rubenstein over 23 hours before he could conjure up a derogatory story from that recording. King was simply recounting the making of his pheasant noodle soup for his annual General Bud Day Pheasant Hunt and how he used jalapeños he grew himself that turned out to not be very spicy. He said he would need to get dirt from Mexico to plant them in next year. Then, a lady in the audience said, “Trust me. It’s on it’s way.” Mr. King believed, just like he had been referencing throughout the last days of the campaign, that she was referring to the dirt coming from the leftist media and responded, “Well, yeah, there’s plenty of dirt. It’s coming from the West Coast, too, and a lot of other places, besides. This is the most dirt we’ve ever seen.” His clear meaning was the ‘Leftist media” and his opponent’s donors mostly on both coasts.

In response to the false Rubenstein story, the campaign sent the following quote to the Weekly Standard after Jeff King spoke with Stephen Hayes who refused to accept the objective truth and defended Rubenstein’s dishonest behavior.”

“If you spent anytime with Congressman King throughout the district over this past week you would know that he has been referencing all the ‘dirt’ the dishonest, leftist media have been using to attack him. The Weekly Standard has proven this with the completely false narrative they are pushing in this article. Their unwillingness to change their narrative shows they have no desire to really report the facts. Voters are smart enough to see through this.”

The Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes clearly sent Adam Rubenstein to Iowa to contribute to the attempted destruction of Steve King’s campaign. Stephen Hayes blatantly called King a “bigot” which exposes his justification for such yellow journalism. There will be more attempted retribution from the lead “Never Trump” publication in America. It’s unlikely there will be an honorable response from the deceptive abusers of the First Amendment.


For the tl;dr crowd, I will sum it up:

King states that while he’s an active white nationalist, he wasn’t really white nationalizing at that moment. He normally doesn’t get his white nationalism on during party hours as he prefers to white national only when he’s at work. The voice on the recording is his, but if you’re offended it’s because you are using colored ears to listen. His voice is only suitable for white ears.


Also, bitches stay lying on me because they don’t want to see Steve King floss.