Incredible Shrinking Celebs

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Some of the biggest stars just aren’t anymore.

In the current issue of People magazine, John Goodman tells how he lost 100 pounds and Drew Carey, 80 pounds.

I really liked John Goodman in HBO’s Treme, probably because he was a frustrated writer. I think fellow Ohioan Drew Carey is wasting his talent as host of The Price Is Right, but whatever. Am sure his paycheck is right, and that may be all that matters right now.


Jennifer Hudson, 28, on the cover of this week’s InStyle Makeover magazine, says she went from a size 16 to a size 6 on Weight Watchers. Have you seen the commercial? It seems intentionally dark, so you really can’t get a good view of Hudson at all. I’ve always wondered if that’s intentional. But you get the full monty, as it were, in the August issue of InStyle Makeover, where Hudson’s lauded as its “Makeover of the Year.” In addition to Weight Watchers, Hudson had a personal trainer.


Here are tidbits from People magazine’s interviews of Goodman and Carey . . .

John Goodman, 58

·        Went from 368 to 268 pounds.

·        Quit drinking three years ago.

·        Hired a health coach.

·        Cut sugar from his diet.

·        Works out six days a week.

·        “I’m breaking a sweat, but I’m not going nuts.”

Drew Carey, 52

·        Dropped 80 pounds since January, went from size 44 pants to 33-34.

·        Was diabetic, but no longer.

·        No carbs. “No bread at all. No pizza, nothing. No corn, no beans, no starches of any kind.”


·        Snacks on fruit and has grilled chicken and steamed vegetables for dinner.

·         Only drink: water.

·        Does 45 minutes of cardio during workouts.

·        “I like being skinny. I was sick of being fat on the camera.”

I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough of these stories, especially when it comes to the incredible amount of weight lost in such a short period of time.


I also get a wee bit jealous. But in a good way.

You’ll never see me skinny.   ~  Jennifer Hudson tells InStyle

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Leslie J. Ansley is an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur who blogs daily for TheRoot. She lives in Raleigh, NC.