is an intern at The Root and senior journalism major at Howard University.
Continuous Fight
A war veteran puffs a smoke while he continues his fight, this time against a mosque near the site of the former World Trade Center.
A Different Kind of Hood
Instead of hoods, some protesters wear masks. And now they equate evil with Islam.
Ugly America
An opponent of the Park51 Project in lower Manhattan, which would include a community center and a mosque, apparently believes that a mosque is synonymous with Sharia and terrorists.
Religion and Freedom
Under a billboard advertising lofts, which were built without much controversy, one man appeals for the protection afforded by the U.S. Constitution.
Nasty Gingrich
A child carries a message to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who has opposed the building of the mosque and community center near Ground Zero.
The Good Neighbor
At least one resident of lower Manhattan is not threatened by the prospect of a Muslim community center.
Target America
Against the background of a busy construction site, objectors to the mosque near Ground Zero evoke images of destruction and a threat to freedom posed by religion.
A protester makes clear her opposition to the mosque near the site of the World Trade Center attack.
One Nation
A man hoists a flag pointing in one direction while cranes in the background point in another. The flag symbolizes the building of a nation, while the cranes symbolize the building of an environment.
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag …
The U.S. flag hangs in the balance between light and dark.
Love of Country
A Muslim American stands for his rights.
Up against the wall, a man sits with his message, and his beer.
Rain or Shine
Two protesters afraid it might rain on their parade.
A flag bearer proudly holds the national symbol at the site of protests against building a mosque near Ground Zero.
Groundless Hatred
Ground Zero is no ground for hatred.
Woman sees blood dripping from Islam's Sharia law.
Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? —Matthew 5:13
Death to Tyrants
The tragedy and tyranny of the commons.
A Call to Arms
Protester believes that President Obama and his wisdom are impeachable.
No Gray Area
The cartoon of a woman hovering above demonstrators doesn't draw attention away from those below objecting to religious bigotry.
New York's Bravest
A motorcyclist from the New York City Fire Department wears the memory of Sept. 11 in the fabric of his jacket.
Applied Mathematics
The new math.
A Sign of Support
Islamophobia is the word of the month.
Tolerance and national security go hand in hand.
Common Decency
Repositioning the message from religious freedom to "decency."
A hard-headed labor representative seems to believe that his only option for employment would be to help build the community center.
A Compromise?
Protester attempts to equate religious rights in the United States with those in Saudi Arabia.
Never Forget
This protester invokes the most emotional combination of numbers in current American consciousness: 9/11/2001.
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