From the Ground Up
Austin Muyambela cleans the grounds at the Nangoma Mission Hospital in rural Zambia. He also volunteers as an HIV/AIDS counselor and helps patients stay on their medications.
Prevention Is Key
Muyambela (left) also assists Fred Mbewe, a nurse who performs circumcisions, which can reduce HIV infection by 60 percent in men.
Knowledge Is Power
The Ethiopian village of Galato holds community conversations to learn about reproductive health and talk about their concerns together.
Spreading the Word
Ethiopian health-extension worker Aster Roba conducts a community meeting in her village to discuss health concerns, including HIV/AIDS.
Paving the Path
Zambian traditional healer Manyando Silukena and his wife treat illness with herbs. But they refer people with HIV to medical facilities.
Moving Forward
The Mary Aikenhead Open Community School, a Catholic institution, is for girls who have lost parents, mainly to HIV/AIDS.
Supplying the Future
The school provides education and breakfast for girls grades one through nine.
Higher Standards
Senior Chief Shakumbila demands that families pay the price of three goats for not delivering babies in a medical facility.
Support, Not Shame
Nurse-midwife Angela Maseka treats 10 to 15 HIV-positive women a day. "What's the shame" in HIV? she asks.
Taking Responsibility
The Brothers for Life HIV/AIDS campaign targets men in Zambia.
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