A TikToker has done the Lord’s work, exposing a cop for prejudice and reading him for absolute filth. In a video of a traffic stop, Charlotte Carter called out a Chesterfield, Va. officer for ticketing mostly Black people while on duty, a trend reported across all of the state’s police departments, per the Daily Mail.
Carter, 36, recorded herself during a traffic stop informing an officer she’s hip to how often he pulls over Black people. Specifically, she claims out of all the drivers he’d stopped in the last few months, the majority of them were Black.
“-only 20 percent of the population of Chesterfield [County] is Black. I don’t know how you managed to ticket 80 percent minorities,” she said, addressing the cop as Mr. Scott. Reports have not clarified the officer’s full name.
Carter claimed from the data she compiled that 250 county residents had gone to court to fight tickets within six months. She chuckled to herself telling the officer these numbers while filling out the ticket he handed her. She must have known the moment was coming ever since she began gunning for the county cops on TikTok.
Check out more from her interview with The Daily Beast:
Carter, who is Iranian American, claimed police in Virginia first turned their attention to her in the spring of 2022 after she started questioning an alleged child abuse case that involved her son’s biracial friend. She said she noticed the child was bruised and severely underweight so, as a nurse, she was obligated to report the situation. But she believes the local police were slow to act and didn’t take the child’s welfare seriously because his father was Black, so she kept following up on the case.
While police eventually arrested someone in the matter, Carter said she felt they didn’t take it seriously until she posted a TikTok about the alleged abuse in March. The video has received nearly 5 million views.
After that, Carter said the Chesterfield police suddenly began popping up everywhere in her life.
“I ended up trying to file for emergency custody, but the police began falsely arresting me,” she said.
In April, police arrested her for trespassing on her own property.
Carter told The Daily Beast the dirt she found on the Chesterfield police and ticketing sprees was found right on the district court website. Given only 25 percent of the county population is Black, the fact they make up most of the drivers pulled over is quite alarming.
Though, for the cops to pull over the person making the most noise about their ticketing habits - that’s just an unbelievable coincidence. Carter must have struck a nerve considering Police Chief Jeffrey Katz previously called her “attention-seeking” and accused her of trying to discredit the work of his department “sitting behind a keyboard.”
Well, certainly that keyboard has had an impact on the millions of people who follow it. Acknowledging Carter and her work in general proves she’s lit a fire under their behind.
Keep it up, Charlotte!