#IfSlaveryWasAChoice Is the Funniest Thing on Twitter Right Now

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Unless you’ve been under a rock, you have probably heard all about how Kanye West went on TMZ Live Tuesday morning and declared that blacks being enslaved by whites in America for over 400 years was a choice.

He was promptly gathered up by TMZ newsroom staffer Van Lathan, but that didn’t stop his random outburst of ignorance from becoming a trending topic on Twitter and the day’s “What the fuck?” moment.


Listen, guys. Kanye is dead. Our nigga gone. Let’s move on.

Because black people—especially black people on Twitter—can take anything and turn it into the most hilarious trending topic on the planet, I would like to call your attention to the #IfSlaveryWasAChoice hashtag on Twitter.


Your cousins are out here showing out. Our weekend social media editor, Corey Townsend, brought this to my attention, and I have been cackling like a loon for the last 15 minutes.

Let me show you some of the funnier tweets.

If slavery were a choice, we’d be able to apply to move to a better plantation:


Too bad, after uploading our cotton-picking résumé, we’d still be required to manually enter all of our job experience:


There are so many more out there. Go check out the hashtag, and be sure to report back in the comments when you find good ones.