Hulu’s new comedy-thriller series, “The Other Black Girl,”is based on Zakiya Dalila Harris’ 2021 suspense novel by the same, which follows two young Black women navigating the mostly-white world of publishing in New York City.
At the center of the story is Nella Rogers, an ambitious editorial assistant who is frustrated with all of the code-switching and microaggressions that come along with being the only Black woman in the office. So when Hazel, a new, unapologetically Black assistant, is hired, Nella is relieved to have someone she can relate to. But Nella realizes her new friend isn’t all that she seems when Hazel finds favor in the office and she is left behind.
No matter what industry you find yourself in, being Black at work is a job in itself – a fact that has inspired some amazing memoirs, romance novels and self-improvement books. From Debra Lee’s memoir about her journey to becoming one of the most influential executives in entertainment to Tia Williams’ novel about a fortysomething fashion editor trying to rebuild after losing her job and her love, check out some of my favorite books about working while Black.