If You Have Student Loans, Grown-Ish and Scholly Are Trying to Make It Rain on Your Loan Provider (for You)

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If you’re like me, and presumably millions of other folks across Los Estados Unidos, student loan debt is a monkey on your back. I personally know people whose student loan burden ranges from $4,000 to as high as $200,000. Whether you’re on the low end or the probably-need-to-stay-high-to-manage-it high end, no sentence is more exciting than, “We’ll pay off your student loans!”

And that’s just what Freeform’s television show grown-ish, the Yara Shahidi as Zoey Johnson college spin-off of ABC’s black-ish, and the scholarship locator app, Scholly, have come together to do. If you’ll remember, Scholly was trying to help students at Howard University caught in the financial web of the school’s administrative ineptitude brought to light by the finesse god, Tyrone Hankerson Jr., and now they’re trying to pay off student loans? Look at gawd. You can apply now. If selected, you can have up to $125,000 of your student loan debt paid off.


Say heffa, say what? Say heffa, say what?

Yes, you read that right. You can possibly have as much as $125,000 of student loan debt paid off. Are my eyes and ears deceiving me? I reached out to the founder of Scholly, Chris Gray (full disclosure: He’s a friend of mine), and asked him if that was right. Are they about to make it rain for several folks to the tune of as much as $125,000???


He said, it’s about to thunderstorm, bro. No need for umbrellas at this strip club. Strippin’ those monthly payments! Get it? Because...nevermind.

So how does one get into the game for this angelic opportunity of largesse? Well, you submit a first-round application on Scholly’s website with information about who you are, your student loan debt, where you went to school, etc. You know, the standard issue information. And according to the tiny print:

1 Should you be selected to receive the grown-ish Student Loan Payoff Program, we will follow-up with details to begin the process of verifying your students loan balance, providers, and other personal information.


So basically, that’s it. And if you’re wondering how the partnership with grown-ish works? My guess is that because Scholly at its core is an app that helps students locate scholarship, and grown-ish is a television show about college students, presumably, current students and folks who graduated from college, among others, would be the demographic watching, basically reaching exactly who they’re trying to help. Talk about a brilliant marketing strategy to get the word out.

From what I can tell, there are no strings attached aside from being required to receive emails and texts from Scholly about scholarships and upcoming events. Basically, welcome to Scholly’s newsletter. As always, I’d urge you to read the terms and conditions, but nothing set off any alarm bells like when everybody told me that by doing DNA testing, I was basically granting 23andMe the legal authority to clone me should they ever get the desire. I hope that doesn’t happen.


What I do hope happens is that folks go out and get this money.