If Trump Is Really About Saving DACA, Then He Shouldn’t Care That a Judge Ruled to Start the Program Back Up

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On Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced that he would be willing to sign legislation that would allow children of illegal immigrants to stay in the country, which would effectively extend former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. A California federal judge apparently noticed the president’s change of heart on DACA and decided that since the curmudgeonly old bastard in chief liked DACA so much, how about he start the program back up?

That’s right: In the middle of the president’s lobotomy tour to show off his new brain made out of old pot roast shavings and empathy, Judge William Alsup of the U.S. District Court in San Francisco issued an injunction to restart the program that Trump looked to end in September.

Alsup ruled that “the administration must ‘maintain the DACA program on a nationwide basis’ as the legal challenge to the president’s decision goes forward,” the New York Times reports.


Trump’s premise for wanting to dismantle DACA was based on the idea that Obama’s program was unconstitutional and an overreach of executive power. We all know that’s bullshit, since Trump’s campaign promise and purpose for breathing is to undo anything Obama touched.


It appeared that Trump had a change of heart Tuesday after meeting with lawmakers and announcing that if Congress could bring him legislation that worked, he’d sign it, allowing for some 800,000 people facing deportation to be saved. The only issue is that Trump is a liar and some states had already begun a push to block his initial DACA ban.


Here’s how the Times explains the judge’s ruling:

In his ruling, Judge Alsup questioned the administration’s contention that the DACA program had not been put into place legally. He asserted that the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security has long had the authority to grant the kind of temporary protections that formed the basis of the program.

Judge Alsup also cited several of Mr. Trump’s Twitter posts that expressed support for the program. He noted that in September, the president wrote: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” Such tweets, the judge said, bolstered the idea that keeping the program going was in the public’s interest.


On Wednesday, the White House called the decision “outrageous.”

“An issue of this magnitude must go through the normal legislative process. President Trump is committed to the rule of law, and will work with members of both parties to reach a permanent solution that corrects the unconstitutional actions taken by the last administration,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement, CNN reports.


Trump took to Twitter to blast the decision: “It just shows everyone how broken and unfair our Court System is when the opposing side in a case (such as DACA) always runs to the 9th Circuit and almost always wins before being reversed by higher courts.”

Why you mad, son? Is it because the court is demanding that the program be reinstated and you can’t push funding for your dumbass border wall down taxpayers’ throats—which has been a part of every DACA conversation this administration has had—if the program proceeds as scheduled?


And remember how Trump swore that he was going to make Mexico pay for the border wall that no one wants? It’s a shame that some 800,000 immigrant lives hang in the balance while Trump plays “fund my wall” with their lives.

Thank you, 53 percent of white woman who voted against your self-interest to elect this man president. Thank you.


Read more at the New York Times and CNN.